天空下着小雨It is raining slightly
瓢泼大雨Heavy rain
炽热的太阳Blazing sun
暴风雨袭来Storm approaching
阴云密布Dark clouds
清晨的霜冻Morning frost
雾气朦胧Hazy mist
雷声轰鸣Thunder roaring
闪电划破夜空Lightning splitting the night sky
寒冷刺骨Chilly to the bone
夏日热浪Summer heat wave
秋风送爽Cool autumn breeze
春暖花开Blooming flowers in spring
冰雹纷飞Hail falling
雪花飘舞Snowflakes dancing
冬日暖阳Warm sun in winter
阳光灿烂Sunshine blazing
七彩彩虹Rainbow in the sky
夜晚清凉Cool evening
烟雾弥漫Smoke spreading
阴雨绵绵Continuous rain
热带风暴Tropical storm
海风轻拂Gentle sea breeze
沙尘暴来袭Sandstorm approaching
海雾笼罩Sea fog enveloping
晴空万里Clear sky
轻微霜降Slight frost
晨曦微光Dawn’s glow
暮色苍茫Evening gloom
寒风凛冽Chilly wind
乌云盖顶Dark clouds covering the sky
春雨贵如油Spring rain is precious as oil
秋高气爽Clear and crisp autumn
夏夜凉风Cool summer evening breeze
冬雪皑皑Snow-covered winter
月夜皎洁Moonlit night
夕阳如血Sunset like blood
暖风轻抚Warm breeze
暴风前夕Before the storm
极光绚烂Stunning aurora
霾气重重Heavy haze
日落余晖Sunset glow
日出东方Sunrise in the east
星空璀璨Sparkling starry sky
天边流云Flowing clouds on the horizon
软雨轻落Gentle rain falling
极端高温Extreme heat
极端寒冷Extreme cold
天气转晴Weather clearing up
多云转阴Cloudy to overcast
气温急降Temperature plummeting
气温上升Temperature rising
湿度增高Humidity increasing
干燥无雨Dry without rain
云雾缭绕Clouds and mist
风卷残云Wind whirling the clouds
大风起兮Strong wind rising
薄雾弥漫Thin mist spreading
高温炙烤Scorching heat
寒流袭来Cold snap approaching
温暖如春Warm like spring
凉爽如秋Cool like autumn
高原晴朗Sunny plateau
山区阴冷Cold mountains
平原热浪Heat wave on the plain
海边微风Sea breeze by the coast
草原大雨Heavy rain on the prairie
雨后彩虹Rainbow after the rain
初雪纷飞First snowflakes falling
阳光雨Sun rain
冷雨冰凌Cold rain with ice
暴风雪夜Snowstorm at night
热带雨林Tropical rainforest
干旱荒漠Drought desert
雾霾城市Hazy city
海上风暴Storm at sea
冰川世界Glacier world
火山喷发Volcano erupting
水汽蒸腾Steam rising
空气清新Fresh air
霜降明朗Clear and bright after frost
晨雾轻散Morning mist dispersing
暖阳高照Sun shining brightly
清风徐来Gentle breeze
雷雨交加Thunder and rainstorm
冰雨敲窗Ice rain pelting the window
云遮月Moon covered by clouds
星夜寒冷Cold starry night
太阳雨Sun rain
天气变幻Changeable weather
暮雨朦胧Vague evening rain
雷暴云涌Thunderstorm brewing
冬日温暖Warm winter
夏日凉风Cool summer breeze
秋天的金黄Golden autumn
春季细雨Spring drizzle
夜晚星辰Starry night
日全食Total solar eclipse
月全食Total lunar eclipse
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